The largest generation of young people since the '60s is beginning to come of age. They're called "echo boomers" because they're the genetic offspring and demographic echo of their parents, the baby boomers. Born between 1982 and 1995, there are nearly 80 million of them, and they're already having a huge impact on entire segments of the economy. And as the population ages, they will be become the next dominant generation of Americans. The oldest are barely out of college, and the youngest are still in grade school many already have blogs and websites.
Whether you call them "echo boomers," "Generation Y" or "millennial," they already make up nearly a third of the U.S. population, and already spend $170 billion a year of their own and their parents' money.
Echo boomers are a reflection of the sweeping changes in American life over the past 20 years. Eco-Boomers are the first to grow up with computers at home, are multi-taskers with cell phones, music downloads, and Instant Messaging on the Internet and many have their own website. They are totally plugged- in citizens of a worldwide community. It has been reported that they tend to be very overachieving, over-managed, and over protected.
Much different than their baby boomer parents they have been taught to be team players by the educational process more interested in building things and being part of a team and have low tolerance for delayed gratification. They value independence, like new challenges, expect bonuses and reward for their their efforts and want the opportunity to make an impact on the world.Worrying less about leadership than follower-ship," lovers on online communities, want to be able to build careers and family simultaneously they are likely to be a great fit for MLM, Direct Sales and Network Marketing.
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