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Thursday, April 1, 2010



It doesn't take much to see that our economy is struggling, and those without jobs feel hopeless about ever getting their lives back. In the past 5 years, more stories of doom and gloom have been told than we'd prefer to imagine.

However, what many people don't hear about is the rise of the "new economy" from an industry that will be merged with the technological and information age. It will also be one of the underlying pillars of turning things around in this recession because of the income it's generating to help boost consumer sales......That industry as you may have guessed it, is Network Marketing!

You might be wondering how I can be so confident, but the reason why so many people have decided to partner up with the "home based business industry" is simply because there aren't many jobs out there.

I was watching CNN yesterday where a lady that had 3 degrees shared how challenging it has been to get a job. It now appears that having degrees can be a negative rather than a positive due to companies offering only low paying wages to avoid sinking financially themselves!

The term "over-qualified" is what most hear who are highly educated...and not to mention the degrading feeling of excepting an $8 an hour job when your student loans cost more per month than your monthly earnings! Talk about humiliating!

If you are trying to find a job, or in need of generating some additional income, here's why network marketing is the way to go:

1. Be Your Own Boss - There's nothing more exciting than being able to be in "control" of your life! If you've been forced to clock in and being told when you can eat lunch and when you can or can not take off to pick up your sick child from school, the desire to be in control of your life should be music to your ears.

As a Network Marketing Business Owner, you set your own schedule and have the flexibility to spend a lot more time with your family.

2. Can't Be Laid Off - In 2008, over 2.6 Million people were laid off and the unemployment rate is currently sitting at nearly 10%, which means at any given moment, 1 out of 10 people will be handed a pink slip to tell them "your future is now unstable"!!

Now more than ever, the future is very uncertain, especially for those that rely on a job to pay their bills. Living pay check to pay check is a struggle and we know that most people are just one pay check away from being on the streets! It is imperative to have a back-up plan, or a "Plan B"! Without one, we live that great quote that says:

"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!"

3. Unlimited Income - The beauty about being in the home based business industry is that what you earn is purely up to you! If you want to earn a few hundred dollars a month, you can do that with a network marketing business, but if you're a very big thinker and would love to earn in one month what it takes most people to earn in one year, then Network Marketing is the way to go!!

The home based business industry creates more millionaires than any other industry that currently exists and you don't have anyone putting a cap on your monthly earnings. In this industry, we're able to leverage our income by combining the efforts of multiple people, instead of your earnings being totally up to you!
Now's the time to equip yourself and set a plan in motion to change your financial future. If you wait for everything to fall apart before you position yourself financially, then you will be apart of the "world crisis statistics".

However, if on the other hand, you desire to become apart of the "New Economy" and the "New Rich", then Network Marketing is the way to go! Yes, there is a strategic process of making this happen, but if you align yourself with the right partnership and with the right experienced leader, then you can get the treasure map to the inside secrets of earning a great deal of income within this industry!

Choose to partner with a leader today, so that you can bask in the joy of being on the right side of money in this Secretly Flourishing Economy. Join the fastest growing Network Marketing County in the Health and Wellness buisness:

 adapted from article by Nicole S. Cooper

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